Lead on WhatsApp

To get lead on your WhatsApp Number you have to follow below steps.

  • Step – 1 – Check your WhatsApp Number whether its connected or not with Autoresponderz.com
  • Step – 2 – Go to Sales Automation > Manage Team > Options > Add Sales Team (Add mobile number with 91)
  • Step – 3 – Now go to marketing source and create new marketing source or you can use predefined marketing sources.
  • Step – 4 – Assign marketing source to the sales executive.
  • Step – 5 – Go to create template > WhatsApp > Add
  • Step – 6 – Now read the instruction which are mentioned on the same page
  • Step – 7 – Create template > Give the name of the template, Template Text
  • Step – 8 – Again go to create template > leads on WhatsApp > Add > Now choose the template and add.
  • Thats it.!!!!

Sample Template #

Hi {se_name}, A lead has been assigned to you which is as follows: Source : {source} Name : {lead_fullname} Mobile : {lead_mobile}

How to create template instruction #

— You can use {name} tag in Autoresponder template and it will automatically replace with Lead's fullname.

— You can use following tags to dynamically replace content for “Leads On WhatsApp Template”. {source} => Source Code | {lead_fullname} => Lead Fullname | {lead_mobile} => Lead Mobile | {se_name} => Sales Executive Name

— You can use following tags to dynamically replace content for “Task On WhatsApp Template”. {task_name} => Task Name | {task_due_date} => Due Date

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